1. This warranty limits the defects in the material of the components provided by SAECLIMBER S.L.In case of defectsin the material, to our own cost, SAECLIMBER S.L. will repair or replace Exworks-Borox(Toledo) Spain according to (Incoterms 2010) the defective parts.
    2. The test and verification of the product, inspection of failures and/or defects and their causes are consideredexclusively by SAECLIMBER, S.L., and in no case will the buyer have the right to raise any objection.
    3. In the event that the defects / damages are not attributable to SAECLIMBER, SL, the expenses incurred by thelatter (including the expenses of any examination at the buyer’s premises, tests, plans, estimates, legal fees,etc.) will be borneby of the buyer, who will make the corresponding payment within thirty (30) days afterreceipt of the invoice.
  2. Period of application and warranty
    1. This warranty will solely be valid by a period of twenty-four (24) months from the delivery of thecomponents (date of knowledge of boarding or date of the list of content relation). The repair or thereplacement of a component will not pospone the original term of warranty of other components by anyreason.
  3. Exclusion of warranty
    1. The buyer will automatically lose the warranty and it will not be applied in case of:
      1. Defects that are not material and manual labor, without limitation like: 
        • Breakage happened during the transport or the installation;
        • Breach of the instructions of installation and the manual of maintenance;
        • Damages caused by accidents, fires, other negligences that are not derivedfrom the exerciseof SAECLIMBER, S.L.;
      2. Manipulation, repair, replacement or modification made by nonauthorized personnel,and without previous authorization in writing by SAECLIMBER S.L.;
      3. Negligenceor misuse or reconfiguration.
      4. The use of such materials on any other website is prohibited unless explicitly authorized bySAECLIMBER S.L.;
      5. Usual wear and tear;
      6. The electrical equipment is not included in the warranty, unless it is covered by the warranty of themanufacturer due to a manufacture defect.
    2. In addition, the warranty will not be of application if:
      1. The buyer has not satisfied its obligations towards SAECLIMBER, completely or partly, particularly withrespect to the obligation of the payment;
      2. The buyer does not come to the delivery of the defective piece to SAECLIMBER, within the thirty (30)following days to the discovery of the defect, unless agreement written with SAECLIMBER in which theopposite is indicated. All costs of shipment and transport will be in charge of the buyer.
      3. The buyer has not notified the defects in writing within the eight (8) following days to its discovery,having specified the serial numberof the machinery, the date of the delivery and the purchase, as wellas the description of the discovered defects.
  4. Limitation of the warranty
    1. This warranty limits the repair or replacement of those pieces and/or defective components after thepertinent analysis by SAECLIMBER.
    2. Without prejudice toany legal provision to the contrary, SAECLIMBER, S.L. will never be responsible fordirect, indirect, fortuitous damages, or special damages generated as a result of failures and/or defects ofthe equipment.
  5. Competent Jurisdiction
    1. Any controversy derived from the interpretation or execution of this warranty, or the agreement oftransaction of the equipment, will be competition of the Courts of capital Madrid (Spain), having to governthe effective Spanish legislation at the moment of the dispute.